We had an interesting project in our school last Friday. We were asked to wear clothes which were typical for this era such as sweatshirts, shirts etc. I was wearing long green trousers, orange shirt with long turtle neck and I also had a police hat.
The day was divided into half hour periods when we were in classes and learnt about the life but in the communist era. We had lunch break too, it was so long that we could go to classes which we didn't see. Each lesson was operated by one or more teachers who were dressed in clothes from the past era as same as we were. We visited a lof of places, some were more interesting than the others, so I created my own list of places which I liked the most.
The first place goes to Mr. Páník with his lesson where he explained what to do when some nuclear war or disaster happens. The second place belongs to the trio of teachers recreating Spartakiáda and Poupata, it was amazing! On the third place is Mrs Babčaníková with lesson about SNB, very educative and the fourth place won a fashion show of clothes from the past of Mrs. Štějrová and Komprdová.
In my opinion, it was funny but also educative project and it was well prepared. We talked a lot about the past in my family as well. I liked the day very much.
Ondřej Paruch, kvinta B