On 26th May our class 1. B set on the trip to Prague to see the exhibition of Mucha´s posters and to visit the Municipal House.
In the morning we visited the exhibition of Mucha where the technique of animation gave life to Mucha´s posters and pictures. We also saw “Slavonic Epopee”, of course! Impressive parts of the life of old Slavonic nation were projected onto the walls of the exhibition room, where the spectators could seat themselves into comfortable armchairs and admire strong moments from the history of our country and from the legends of our nation. Beautiful girls are to be admired as well.
After a short break in one of the cafés we could enjoy the interiors of the Municipal House, we were browsing through various rooms admiring their unique colours and decorations. All of the rooms are worth mentioning, but there is one above all to mention: art nouveau conditioner´s with imitations of white marble and breath-taking coffee machine.
We enjoy the day a lot and we would like to thank our colleague Mgr. Majerova to accompany us.
Mgr. Kateřina Kuchtová, loose translation