Last week classes of septima and third year grades attended summer sport course which has been organised for many years in a row. We went to Lipno, where we stayed in a very nice camp. I loved the nature surrounding us all the time.
First of all, I would like to mention my feelings about the place we were staying at as well as sleeping and spending much time. The small cabins for four people were cosy and protected us from cold and rain At first, I was feeling pretty sceptic about the food, but in the end it was delicious and warming. My rating for the camp is 9/10.
Additionally, the program that our teachers had prepared for us was nicely scheduled and we had wide range of possible activities we could do. Every day, apart from Wednesday, we could choose whether we wanted to cycle, walk, play games in the camp or even go inline skating if the weather conditions had allowed it. Speaking of Wednesday, we went on the Vltava to try riding in canoes and rafts for the whole day. As I had never tried it before, I was surprised about the fun we overall had. On the other hand, all the sports were little more exhausting than I had expected and bad weather conditions did not make it easy as well.
To sum up, I believe that this course will become one of our most memorable experiences we have ever had as a class and I hope that we will be able to make more unforgettable memories like this.
Petra Vítová, septima B