The ski course took place between 23.-28. January in Krkonoše.
The teachers and us the students from both kvinta B and kvinta A met up in front of the school. The leaving was set for 10 AM, but before that everyone had to take an antigen test. Although one student from kvinta A was tested positive, the bus left on time. The journey was about 300 kilometers long and it took about 4 hours to get there. During the journey, the bus driver made one stop at the rest area so everyone could use the bathroom or buy some food in the nearby standing McDonalds. The bus arrived at Pec pod Sněžkou at 2 PM. We took out the luggage and went uphill to the accommodation. The road was very long and in bad condition so the luggage was taken by a snowmobile. We were accommodated in an old chalet which was standing in the middle of a meadow with no other buildings around.
Every day was quite the same. We woke up, had a buffet breakfast at 8 AM, changed our clothes and went on the ski slope. We were selected into 5 groups according to our snowboarding or skiing skills. We went skiing for about 3 hours and then we went back to the accommodation for lunch. After lunch, we had a noon rest until 3 PM and then we went outside to do cross country skiing around the chalet for about 2 hours. Then we went back to our rooms, had a shower and changed into new clothes. We rested until dinner was ready at 7 PM. After dinner, we had evening activities in which we competed in our skill groups. The evening activities usually lasted about 1 hour. After that, we went back to our rooms, relaxed for some time and then went to bed. That repeated every day except for the third day when we went on an all-day cross-country skiing trip.
Although many of the students were tested positive for covid-19 after the ski course, I strongly believe that everyone had a great time and that it was one of the best school activities many of us have ever experienced. And I would also like to thank Ms Šturmová who organized the ski course. If it hadn't been for her we would never have had such a great time!
Ondřej Galovič, kvinta B