Made up a story starts with the sentence below. Don´t forget to add the title. Divide the story into paragraphs.
He woke up to discover that he had undergone a metamorphosis and become…
He woke up to discover that he had undergone a metamorphosis and become a fly. A tiny little fly with tiny little wings, smaller than a tine spoon. He didn´t even need to look around to examine the room, as his field of vision had become larger. He also felt the urge to escape the confines of this room. The window was thankfully open and he swiftly made his escape.
Learning how to fly wasn´t that hard to figure out, however avoiding people and their attempts at killing him proved to be a challenge. Everywhere he went, he was greeted with hands trying to smack him, waving him off and even trying to torture him. He wasn´t even allowed to take a tiny bite of food. When he tried to socialize with other flies, they would reject him. Well, it´s like he understood the fly language.
Feeling dejected, he flew through the streets. He tried to snatch a bit of food, but alas all was in vain. He turned his head towards a dumpster and since he was hungry and tired from all this foraging, he decided to take his respite there. Perhaps it was all that he deserved, abandoned by the world, eating trash in what he thought would become hi grave.
But what was this smell? This divine smell, surely there still was some hope! He realised that this was coming from a nearby flower shop. Tulips, roses, peonies and many other flowers he couldn´t name were laying all around the store. However, there was one that stood out from the rest. A fairly small green flower with a strangely shaped bloom containing a sweet, sweet nectar. Yes, this was the one he craved for. He stepped into the flower and started enjoying the nectar. What he didn´t realize, was that the flower started closing itself. Before he knew, he was already undergoing another metamorphosis – turning into nourishment for the flower. A flower called flytrap.
Lucie Donátová, kvinta A
The Nightmare
He woke up to discover that he had undergone a metamorphosis and become what he always feared.
The generational curse has never felt the dark corners of his mind. The screams he heard the night it happened to his father haunted his dreams. His mother pleading for her unknown child´s life, cut off by the horrific slash of daws against human skin. The silence after her body hit the floor. His memories now dears as day, his little self´s heart beat faster than a sprinter´s as the nightmare´s steps came closer and closer to the locked bedroom door. He expected everything – barging, growling, scraping, crying – but not silence.
He knew the creature was behind the entrance. He could hear if it left. He sat, cuddled up on his bed, watching the door as if his life depended on it. Maybe it did. He felt as if he closed his eyes for one second it would burst open and the thing would get him.
When the sun rose, he could hear painful moans and groans, and then heavy panting. Hurried steps towards the bedroom followed, and then terrifying screams, crying, praying it isn´t true. His father explained the family curse: “Once you´re utterly happy and content, the beast shall take it from you.”
As he lied in his bed in the present time, he could hear his mind screaming only one word at him.
And he knew the time has come.
Karolina Vlčková, kvinta A
The Green Nightmare
He woke up to discover that he had undergone a metamorphosis and become a dragon. A dragon with a large green body. A huge mass of green scales with wings twice as big. His arms and legs were the size of tree trunks and his fingers had become sharp, black claws.
He looked up and saw that his new massive body fills the whole space. His black horns even pierced through the ceiling. He started to panic. What is he gonna do with a body like this?
He tried to get out of the room but he couldn´t move a centimetre. Not because he had too little space, not at all. It was because his muscles apparently remained the strength of a regular human being that he couldn´t move.
His eyes filled with tears. He wouldn´t get out of the house anyway, he tried to comfort himself, unsuccessfully. He desperately tried to move again. He could only move his eyes and blink. Those were the only movements he was capable of. “Am I gonna be stuck there forever, bound to the floor?” he pondered.
Suddenly the floor under him started to crack and the ceiling above him started to crumble. His dragon body was too heavy for the house. The house fell. He fell harshly on the basement floor, destroying it completely. He started to cry again. Tears ran down his cheeks, yet he didn´t let out a single noise. He couldn´t. “If my muscles are so weak, how can I be sure my heart is strong enough…?” he thought. “I might die any second now…” Tired of all of this, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. When he woke up, he found out it had all been just a terrible nightmare. He had never actually become a dragon.
Anežka Horáková, kvarta A
Regretful wish
He woke up to discover that he had undergone a metamorphosis and become a human. He finally could go on a walk anytime he wanted. He could finally eat food on the table from a plate and not from a bowl on the ground, buy all the squeaky toys he ever wished for.
There were the reasons he run away from his owners few days ago. All the years he lived with them as a dog, he watched the things they were doing and wished he could do them too. Now he finally had a chance to live like a human he always wanted.
His first few days as a human went well. He ate all the salami from the fridge, he laid on the couch and there was no one to tell him to get into his dog bed. This was the life he, and every other German shepherd, could ever ask for.
But it couldn´t stay like that forever. After few days, there were calls from work about his absence. He finally understood where his owners went every day. Because he didn´t show up for work, he wasn´t getting paid. And because of that, the power has been cut off. Like that wasn´t just eating good food and sleeping in a comfortable bed. He started to regret his wish to change his easy life for stressful one. That night, he went to sleep wishing to not have to deal with all of this.
The next morning was very surprising. He didn´t wake up in a luxurious bed. He woke up in his old dog bed. Before he realised what was happening, kids of his owners run into the room and started to scream with happiness, because their beloved Rex has returned. The whole family was so happy to see him and have him back. They didn´t understand how he got back into the house, but all that mattered to them was that he was back. Rex enjoyed his easy dog life. He enjoyed the food he got and the warm bed he cold sleep in. He definitely didn´t want to be a human even for a second.
Lenka Skalová, kvarta A
Godly nightmare
He woke up to discover that he had undergone a metamorphosis and become god of fire. His body was in flames and he didn´t even feel it. It felt like there was a warm blanket on him. He was so scared and didn´t know what to do, so he ran out of his house and jumped into the nearest lake that he knew. It was Lake of fallen gods. He was sinking deeper and deeper, but the flames didn´t extinguish, until he hit the bottom of the lake. The flames disappeared, but something weird, was happening. Water around him recede and some people started to moving towards him. He stood there absolutely frozen, he was so scared that he couldn´t even move. When those people came to the “bubble” around him, they were saying their names and powers one by one. They were the Fallen gods with ancient powers. (And then he passed out.)
He woke up again with flames all around his body. But this time he was in big arena and in front of him were staying gods from the lake. God of wind, god of swords, god of earth and god of snakes. The big fight was about to happen. He didn´t know how to use his powers, but after getting hit few times, he figured it out. he took down god of snakes and god of earth, but the other gods were too fast and good fighters. He got caught into tornado crated by the god of wind and god of swords stubbed him into belly. He fell on the ground, it hurt so much that he couldn´t fight back. His powers disappeared and he lost the battle. He was ready to die, but when god of swords swinged his sword towards his head, he woke up.
In the middle of the night, completely wet, shaking all over his body. But he wasn´t dead (at least he thought so). When his wife came to the room, she didn´t notice him. He wanted to ask her why isn´t she sleeping, but she didn´t answer. Then he touched her, but his hand flew through her body. He became a ghost!
Lukáš Kavalíř, kvarta A