On the 23rd of January the bus arrived at our school. After being tested negative on covid 19 we could start packing our bags and skis into the bus storage space.
As soon as we were all sitting in with masks on, our journey began. It lasted approximately 5 hours with a small break until we reached our destination, Pec pod Sněžkou. We got off the bus and started climbing the snow hill. Meanwhile, our bags were taken away by the snowcats. After the 4 kilometres long way on top of the hill we got to the chalet. Then we received keys to rooms and unpacked our things.
The next day started our daily program that consisted of alpine skiing in the morning and cross-country skiing in the afternoon. The only exception was Wednesday when we went on a 15 kilometres long cross-country trip. In the evening we had a collective program for instance quizes or lectures from the Mountain rescue service about avalanches.
The weather was relatively good; there was at least 30 centimetres of snow and the wind wasn’t that strong. The food was really delicious; there was a buffet for breakfast, soup and main course for lunch and dinner with a dessert.
I think that everyone enjoyed the ski course even though we were forced to leave a day before which was caused by the covid spread.
Vojtěch Hodl, kvinta B