On 6th of February, our students had the priviledge of meeting a well-known director, screenwriter, journalist and a published author, Mr Jan Tománek, whose animated film Kozí příběh is considered to be a unique piece of work.
Though it might be the best one can be proud of, Mr Tománek was invited to our school to analyze and discuss his latest book Lustr pro papeže, revealing the brutal and inhuman handling with the Czechoslovak prisoners of state in the 70's. These vicious techniques were very popular in the 50's, which are seen as the era of immense violence against Czechoslovak citizens. It is no surprise that after finding out the truth, Jan Tománek decided to share this emotional story based on a confession of one of the survivors.
After the arrival, Mr Tománek made himself extremely comfortable, swaying on a chair and petting his bald head. For the whole time, the flow of the conversation stayed on an active level and, after making some controversial statements about women and literature, it even escaleted into something one wouldn’t be afraid to call an argument. It, fortunately, didn’t last very long as the ambience started to lack on open-mindness. The rest of the discussion, however, was very educative when it comes to secrets from communist labour camps.
Eventually, the students had the opportunity to buy their own Lustr pro papeže that Mr Tománek was so willing and eager to sign. It was a pleasant morning full of interesting topics.
Kristýna Bednářová, oktáva A