On Wednesday 29th May, classes Kvinta A and Kvinta B set off on the trip to the everyday life of the people living in the Middle Ages into a historic park Barnau-Tachov. It was possible to go on such an excursion thanks to the beginning of the cooperation between our school and Archaeological Faculty of West Bohemian University here in Pilsen whose project was responsible for paying transport costs. We were accompanied by the worker of this faculty, Mgr. Luboš Chroustovský, Ph. D.
In the park we were welcomed and guided by other worker of the faculty – Mgr. Josef Ježek. On the way through the time, we went through a Slavonic Middle Ages village, we climbed an impressive castle motte type form 11th century, we visited a top Middle Ages town and we reached a late Middle Ages construction site of an emperor Charles IV court.
The students were not only passively listening and watching the programme but also they were participating and they could try to set a fire, bake a bread, archery or throw a pike.
Despite the very bad weather, we all enjoyed it very much and the workers of the park and the university won´t forget us either for three broken spears, one broken pike and even a broken a bow were left behind us. That´s the power of Kvinta B!
We also would like to thank our class teachers Mgr. Kutná and Mgr. Šedivá for accompanying us.
Mgr. Martina Waltová, free translation