At the beginning of April, together with other students from across the Czech Republic, we travelled to Belgium for the 4th International Forum of the European Youth Parliament. It took place from April 1st to 7th in the beautiful Belgian city Ghent, which is also this year's European Youth Capital. An International Forum is one of the largest events organised by the EYP, gathering around two hundred young people from all over Europe, including countries like Georgia and Armenia. It's also one of the most prestigious conferences of the EYP, with delegates carefully selected at national selection conferences.
The whole event began with an opening ceremony, during which the project managers and Organisers of the event were introduced. Welcome speeches were given by, for example, the President of the Belgian Senate, Stephanie D´Hose, and academic director Peter Hanselaer.
The following day, Team Building was on the agenda, which helped us establish initial contact with other participants. We also got to know our Committee, with which we spent most of our time during the rest of the forum.
Other interesting parts of the program included, for example, Eurovillage, where we presented our home country through its typical foods. An unforgettable experience was also the Euroconcert, where everyone had the opportunity to represent their country and its culture.
However, we didn't come just to have fun, but also to address the problems affecting Europe and its inhabitants. Among the topics discussed in the committees were issues such as the accessibility of the Erasmus program for students from disadvantaged countries, youth unemployment, people's distrust of the EU, or suicide prevention. We worked together to find solutions to these problems, which we subsequently presented to everyone at the General assembly.
The event was very beneficial for us. Not only did we meet a large number of inspiring young people from all over Europe, but we also improved our soft skills, such as debating, presenting, and speaking in front of people. This event helped each of us step out of our comfort zone and showed us how the differences in our cultures can unite us. To anyone considering trying their luck at regional selection conferences, we recommend participating; it's definitely worth it. The European Youth Parliament can open doors to various opportunities for everyone; it's up to each of us how much time and energy we're willing to dedicate to this volunteer organisation. However, one thing is certain: the time invested in the organisation will be returned to us in the form of great experiences and newly acquired skills.
Jana Eisenhammerová, 3. A