I had a chance to attend the opening ceremony for exhibition connected with the action “Kámen”. In my opinion, the whole event was an amazing opportunity  where we could remind ourselves the terrible times during communism.

The action “Kámen” was based on a plan when communists were creating fake German boarders and convinced people to run away from Czechoslovakia. They eventually were arrested and it wasn´t an exception that some people were executed. Thanks to this exhibition we could get to know more about this terrible process and feel the horrendous atmosphere.

If you ask me, I really enjoyed the speech of the creator of the exhibition but I was mostly impressed by a man who´s an actor and plays right on the places connected with crossing the boarders. I really adore him because he explained us that he can play even six roles at once.  

I´m really glad that I could attend this exhibition because it really caught me by heart to read about the way how it all worked and about the ruined lives of people who just wanted to leave our country. The worst thing about it is a fact that the main leaders of action “Kámen” were never punished for their crimes.

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