Last week from 18th till 22th June, we some student from Sexta A and some more from 2. A and 2. B went for THE second part of our exchange visit to Regensburg. There was already a lot of fun on Monday, we got to Regensburg more than 2 hours later because our train broke down on the way there. And therefore we nearly didn’t get to a town tour on time which started next to town hall. After that we took our luggage from the train station were we left it before and headed to our new homes. Some of our amazing exchange partners decided to go grilling with us to the nearby park. Our German friends gave us bikes with which we were going nearly everywhere.
The next day we went to their school for an hour some of us again by bikes (which are btw. very popular there and therefor there aren’t so many cars) and we were thrilled to see it. Then we went with a rented bus to tour of some castle and after that we went to a very beautiful neoclassical monument Begreiungshalle. Then we came back we went with our friends to a late lunch in Regensburg. And in the evening again some of us met at one of our German friends.
On Wednesday, we went to Munich were we visited a huge English park. The whole tour lasted for 2 hours and we didn’t even get to the end of the park. Then we were set free for 2 hour and went to seek something to eat after that somebody went shopping, exploring city, or going up to one of the many memorials. About 6 o´clock we got back to Regensburg and went to our families.
On Thursday we went without our German friends (they were writing some German test) to Keppler´s house. The tour was once again in German and even though we didn´t understand everything we catch up the context. With our German friends we met about 12 and went to lunch. After the lunch we took an hour ride with a boat to beautiful Walhalla again neoclassical building in the form of a temple. The whole way there and back we were talking with our friends about their interests, town, school and hobbies when we get to a more difficult topic we also used English to help us out. In the evening since it was the last one everybody went to a party again in the same park as on Monday. Some of us decided to jump to a nearby river. Then we went do some BBC. Germans invited some of their classmates as well with whom they later sang us some typical Regensburg´s songs.
The last day of exchange we went together for breakfast to some cafe and then to our last program to a snuff factory. After it we went for our last common lunch. The week ran so quickly everyone was sad that we had to leave. So after a lot of hugging we said goodbye to our German friends and headed back to the Czech Republic.
Jan Pohořelý, sexta A