As every year a few students from our school participated in one of the Regional Selection Conferences of EYP CZ. This year Plzeň was chosen as the host city of 13th RSC. Therefore, me, David Tran (SXA), with my dearest friend Jana Eisenhammerová (3. A) had to join the Organising Team. On the contrary Matěj Vachovec (3. A) and Lara Gajdošová (2. A) joined us as Media Team Members.
On the 10th of November our Organising Team welcomed all of our amazing Delegates from our school, namely Maru Andrejová, Tereza Šavlová, Annie Dang, Simona Staňková, Jakub Hes, Huu Trung Nguyen (all from 2. A) and Jan Široký (SXA). After the Delegates' Check-in we went to the General Teambuilding, where everybody had an opportunity to meet all participants. Then our Delegates' during the Committee Teambuilding got the chance to meet their new friends and a Chairperson. In the evening everybody set out to the Opening Ceremony and here the 13th RSC of EYP CZ Plzeň 2023 officially began. Then we all enjoyed the festive dinner called the Eurovillage, where every school delegation had to prepare national foods of some European countries.
Next day, our Delegates started working with their Committees on their Resolutions. This year our Academic board chose the Topics about problems with drug addicts in the EU, rights of the LGBTQ+ community or about Nuclear energy.
The whole conference culminated on Sunday, when the mighty General assembly took place. Here every Committee had to debate and defend their Resolutions. In the end, there was a vote on whether the resolutions should pass or not. The session ended with an emotional farewell and I hope that everybody came home with amazing memories like me.