EYP has always been a great experience for me and I hope that has been the case for everyone else who has participated. I would like to tell you more about it. Let's start by focusing on how the session goes from delegate's point of view.
The first day of a delegate officially starts with an opening ceremony. Everyone gathers and then begin speeches from the session's president, board members and other important people of the session. We get to know them and their personalities a bit. Team building with other delegates from our committee awaits us thereafter. The team building is our priority for the rest of the day.
The next day of our session starts soon in the morning. Our goal of this and the next day is to come together up with problems regarding our committee's topic and think of possible solutions for them. That is called resolution. It is quite a tiring task. However, one has a great feeling of accomplishment after finishing our day's tasks. One usually feels a bit stressed as well thanks to the fact that general assembly awaits us the next day.
General assembly is about presenting committee's resolutions, defending them and attacking other committee's resolutions. After that, resolutions are voted upon by all delegates to decide which ones of them pass and which ones do not. Then follows the last point of the session. That is the closing ceremony.
Personally, I would recommend EYP to everyone. It's such a great experience and talking only English for four incredible days in a row is not something that happens every day. One also gets to meet new people, gets to make new friendships and has opportunities to experience new things.
Jan Mach, septima B