On Wednesday 26th April, second and fifth year students from our grammar school attended a historical performance about Vikings. The performance was held at our school gym and was hosted by a historical fencing group Pernštejni.
The whole program was accompanied by a Viking ship and two Vikings. They were talking about their society, expeditions, clothes and weapons. We also learned some new facts e.g., that they weren’t dirty and didn’t wear horned helmets like in movies. Few of our classmates became Vikings for a short time as well. They tried the Viking helmet and the war strategy. The whole performance ended by a fencing duel between the two main Vikings.
Personally, I feel that this show was more suitable for the younger students than for us – fifth year students. But I hope that we can be present at more educative performances like this because sometimes it is more fun to learn about things in a fun way than behind the desks in a classroom.
Amina Baatarboldová, kvinta A