After two days of school we all were saved by this adaptation course. Our class 1. A went on this course together with class 1.B and we went to a recreation are Jesenice close to Rakovník. Some welcome-and-getting-to-know-each-other games prepared teacher Mgr. Jitka Drahokoupilová were part of this course. We could know each other better so could we know better our teachers. The activity, we could know each other better, and we could show how brave we are, was: Night topography. Even though some of us didn´t pass completely…. :D
Night fire was another night great experience. We were to recite a poem which we had prepared before. It was not an easy job, especially because we had to use words such as: a harvesting machine, a possum, a white pudding and what´s more – mitochondrion. Fortunately everything went smooth and we could find rhymes to all the words.
We all also tried how it was, when our planet had been sinking and the whole class should have saved each other swinging on a rope. It was fun. We could enjoy ropes as well as in a rope park. Swinging on ropes was an excellent entertainment that we all will never forget.
Last day, we had to pack our stuff, but we could manage to shoot on a shooting range. During these three days we learn a lot of new things and we found some new friends. All first year students would like to thank you to all who prepared this for us and were willing to participate and deal with us. We enjoyed it a lot and we are sure that we will have a lot of fun in the next couple of years.
Classes 1. A, 1. B