On 19th October eight students of Masaryk’s grammar school participated in Simulation of Pilsen municipal government.
We heard an interesting lecture about local politics from Jakub Černý, a politics student. And we had also discussion with deputy mayor of Pilsen-2 Slovany Jan Fluxa about actual topics, such as parking in Pilsen or migration crisis.
Before the negotiations started, we had a really great lunch. We negotiated about parking, hazard restrictions and property selling. It was an amazing experience.
Among almost thirty participants three of five awarded students, Viktor Karlíček (oktáva A), Jan Rosenthaler (3. B) a Barbora Soukupová (sexta B), were from our school and they won trip to European parliament in Strasbourg for eight of our students.
We are looking forward to a trip to Strasbourg a lot.
I think, it was very interesting event and it gave me a lot amazing and useful experience for my future.
Bára Soukupová, sexta B