On Monday 29th of February classes 3.A and 3.B went to the Regional Authority in Pilsen. After the arrival to the building Rašín's House we sat into the boardroom where normally the representatives of Pilsen district discuss the matters of the district.
We were welcomed by the regional council president (hejtman) Václav Šlajs and one of his deputies Ivo Grüner. Mr. Šlais told us many things about Pilsen district and its functioning. We got to know how the administration of the district works, how it stands in the chart of unemployment and indebtedness etc., which organisations are held by the Regional Authority and how it manages the district budget. Then Mr. Štolc prepared for us a knowledge exam about the things that were in the presentation and more, to see if we were paying attention.
After that part of the program we were given an opportunity to try what it is like to be a representative. Mr. Grüner told us the number of members in the municipal council and in what way they vote. We could try it as well. Mr. Grüner brought forward a few controversial questions and we tried to vote on them, to see if they would pass or not. By each question we were given a few minutes to discuss them. Of course our opinions weren't the same.
In the end we were given a small refreshment in a form of scones. It was a good opportunity to learn something new, to expand our knowledge and some of us might have been inspired to work in state administration. We liked the visit very much and find it very interesting and challenging.
Lucie Steinerová, Anna Pelouchová, 3. A