On 27th January, kvarta B went to try a team work to TepFactor, which is a building near Příbram. You can try to overcome your limits here. You have to work there as a team, otherwise you cannot do it.
We met in front of our grammar school at 6:30 in the morning and the bus left 15 minutes later because we had to be there early because they had to tell us how to win this game. Of course everyone was asleep on the bus but as we were closer to TepFactor, we were more and more excited.
At first we made groups of 3-6 people and then a woman in a pirate costume told us the rules of the game. There were 20 basic doors with some tasks and 4 extra tasks.
In the groups we went through all doors and we had to make the tasks in the time limit we were given. If you did not work as a team, you couldn’t do it, because it was the main reason in the game - to learn teamwork. After finishing all tasks we had our score and the woman told us who was the best-scored and who was the worst.
Every team scored more than 18 points, which is perfect! Best four teams got medals and diplomas. All of us were very happy but tired as well.
At 1 pm we went back to Pilsen and surprisingly most of the class fell asleep! It was amazing trip and I think that everyone really enjoyed it and the whole kvarta B could recommend it as school trip.
Viktorie Zlochová, kvarta B