Student Petr Beran, septima B, is known in our school for his wide interest in physics and taking part and huge successes in various competitions.
This year he had the courage to do the highest category of the physical Olympics “category A”. On a district level he was first, and he took excellent 23rd position on the whole country level, among 50 participants. In April he is about to take part the physical Olympics in his category “B”.
On 18th February, Petr together with some students of a grammar school in Havlíčkův Brod took part of 11th annual of physical competition FÝKOSÍ FYZIKÁLNÍ and they won!
What´s worth mentioning is also the second place in Slovakian competition FKS in a winter semester and the third place in the exclusive competition FX, which is known for its long and extremely difficult and demanding tasks for really motivated participants.
He is also studying extremely demanding online course CTY AP Physics 2 organized by American University John Hopkins, which will be finished by the worldwide recognized and respected AP exam.
His interest in physics goes far beyond his school activities. In his own words:
“In November, there was already the third annual of an international physics competition organised by Physical Department of a prestigious university in Princeton – Princeton University Physics Competition (PUPC). It is a team competition. The aim of the team is to cooperate and work through a project on a given topic. This year, the project dealt with the topics of plasma and entropy connected with statistic physics. The competition works like this: the teams are given the task, which contains part of theory which the tasks are based on. Our task with the topic of plasma was to describe quantitatively waves in plasma and then to work out some numeric simulations. The entropic task was to form whole modern thermodynamics with only the knowledge of informatic entropy definition. Both tasks were extremely demanding from mathematic point of view. It was allowed to use only software, which made our work oftentimes easier. The members of our team were participants of project Táňa organized for the best participants of Physics Olympics. All together there were four members of our team from grammar schools all over our country.
After a week when we put some elbow grease into it, we succeeded in fulfilling all our tasks and we wrote 30-pages work in English which we sent to Princeton University. The three-month-long process of correcting and evaluating of our work was crowned with an excellent news. Our team, called FYKOS, was given Honourable Mention for his work with plasma and in entropy category we were given bronze medals. Considering both categories, we were third of all the teams coming from all around the world.”
Congratulations and fingers crossed for the next physical competitions.
Mgr. Alena Hálová and the committee of physics
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