On Thuesday 6th November 2015 students of KAA and KAB were out and built some benches. There were four projects, which won in a school voting, but actually we didn’t make it exactly according to our projects. One project, which won, was discarded and the group, which made this project designed it much smarter. At the end, it was like hundred percents better than our first project idea.
As I already said, there were four groups. Every group had about five to ten people, who worked on it and other student of the classes cleaned surroundings of the river. The groups had their own wood they could worked with. We learned how to work with sawmill, drilling-machine or just how to hammer nails correctly.
I personally think, that our final benches are pretty good. Even though it rained, we definetly enjoyed it a lot and I can say, that the results are much better than we expected.
Iva Salivarová, kvarta A