Having a huge interest in human anatomy, I was thrilled to visit the exhibition in Holešovice in Prague. We departed from Pilsen with the rest of my classmates from the biology seminar on the 7th April 2017 and travelled to Prague by train. After an hour-long walk through Prague from the train station to the exhibition grounds we finally arrived just in time to hide from the dense rain starting outside. I personally came with big expectations as this event was very important to my future medical career and studying university.
To begin with, you might have heard about this event in past years. It could have been due to the rumours surrounding displayed exhibits. They are real human bodies, carefully mounted and embalmed in special chemicals. Using this method, the doctors made sure that not only will these exhibits persist for a long time, but they also don’t provide any unpleasant smell. As for the content of the exhibition, anything from anatomy we could remember was displayed somewhere around the place. Being from a medical background, the section devoted to the neural system caught most of my interest as the profession I would like to pursue is neurosurgery.
Furthermore, the exhibits themselves were really fascinating; however, without a proper guide we would not be able to gain such an insight into the knowledge surrounding them. Fortunately, my group proved to be the lucky one as we were assigned a young student from a third year of medicine. I need to admit, I have seen a lot of intelligent and enthusiastic people, though never a one like her. Seeing the amount of information she knew and the continuity of her speech, I realised, we have an extraordinary opportunity to learn more about human body than ever before.
In the light of all of the experience described above, I am fairly confident saying we all enjoyed the exhibition and had there not been such a dreadful weather, I might have even considered this as our best school event so far. Moreover, as most of us are seeking to pursue some form of medical career, this has been a valuable insight into what might expect us at university and I am most likely going to mention my reflections from this event in my personal statement for the universities in Great Britain.
Adam Vacek, septima A